On April 11th, the GrowINg evaluation committee fulfilled their 3rd meeting!

This was the moment where partners discussed the quality and relevance of the following resources to SMEs:

As a result of the meeting, the committee shared some ideas related to the:

  • involvement of representatives from SMEs in the training of the project
  • support and guidance of SMEs on how to use the tools provided by the consortium
  • enlargement of the network of associated partners

The main focus of the GrowINg project is on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). According to OECD report “Strengthening SMEs and entrepreneurship for productivity and inclusive growth”, SMEs play a vital role in the overall goal of growth. In particular, their effect expands beyond enhanced productivity and equality; and, has positive impacts on countries’ transformation at large.

Keep updated and follow all the news on the LinkedIn page of the project!