This tool allows employees to self-assess their entrepreneurial skills, based on the Framework for Learning at the Workplace (available here), which is aligned with the results of the research made by the consortium (available here) and with the EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework.

The entrepreneurial self-assessment tool is an online questionnaire comprising 45 statements, structured to allow employees to know their level of proficiency of the following 10 entrepreneurial skills:

This tool can be used by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and by any individual. As such, SMEs will be able to learn more about the entrepreneurial skills of their current or potential future employees guiding them towards the development of the skills most needed. On the other hand, individuals will be able of knowing the level of proficiency of their own entrepreneurial skills. The questionnaire is meant to be filled in individually, it requires self-reflection about the scenarios provided in the statements and it enables employees to assess themselves, make corrections quickly and improve on their abilities.

The online entrepreneurial skills assessment tool is available in English, Portuguese and Greek and should be used jointly with the Entrepreneurial Skilled Employees’ Handbook (available here).