On October 25th, the consortium of the GrowINg project, organized and launched the last meeting of the Evaluation Committee. The evaluation committee is composed from one representative of each partner organization, who is responsible for ensuring of the quality in the deliverables. During those meetings, the efforts are joint and participants, try to write down, the strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats of the project, in the specific period. The aim of this meeting was to assess mainly the following results:

  • WP4: Capacity Building of SMEs
  • WP5: Dissemination, mainstreaming and exploitation
  • WP6: Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Assurance
  • WP7: Project Management and Coordination

Based on the discussion and the findings that the consortium identified at the meeting, partners will proceed to the update of the deliverables, to ensure that the quality will be high and ready to be exploited further by external stakeholders.

Keep updated and follow all the news on the LinkedIn page of the project!