Framework for Learning at the Workplace is the latest publication of the project!

The consortium structured this framework based on the comparison between the results of the GrowINg Research Matrix and the Entrepreneurship  Competence Framework and is addressed to:

  • Managers of SMEs
  • In-company trainers, consultants, and other professionals
  • Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations
  • VET/Adult Education providers and professionals
  • Policy makers in the field of education, training, and entrepreneurship.

Within this publication, the consortium aims to contribute to the: integration of career guidance in companies, reinforcement of the learning at the workplace and the promotion of employees’ entrepreneurial skills. As result, the document provides:

  • an overview related to career guidance in SMEs with some inputs on how it can be promoted in companies
  • the definition and description of the methodology for the promotion of adult learning at the workplace
  • some hints about employee’s entrepreneurial skills

From July to September 2021, some professionals and experts from Portugal, Greece and Cyprus had the opportunity to know and explore the document, providing their feedback and some suggestions for improvement.

You can find the framework here in English, Portuguese and Greek.