Mentortec in partnership with the Associação Empresarial de Portugal promotes on the 12th of March and in the framework of the GrowINg project, the first meeting of the working group Promoting Learning in SMEs.

This first meeting aims to present the document Career Management and Learning in SMEs (available here) to professionals integrating the working group, who will analyse and discuss the document in order to:

– assess its quality, relevance and adequacy

– ensure the correspondence between the document and the expectations and needs of SMEs and training providers

– ensure the validation of the document by the end-users

The professionals that are part of the working group work, have experience and expertise in the field of human resources management, career guidance, adult education and training and were previously identified during the month of January/2021 (see here). If you are interested in joining the working group, please fill in this form. If you are already part of the working group, you will receive an invitation to the respective meeting.

In case of doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mentortec or AEP through: Andreia Monteiro | or Oriana Noronha |

We invite you to follow the project page on LinkedIn.

Spread the word and get involved!