The 2nd meeting of the GrowINg evaluation committee has been completed successfully on the 13th September 2021.

The aim of this group is to ensure that the project achieved qualitative results in its deliverables and followed all the proposed guidelines. This committee is being represented by internal members of the project partners (one from each organisation), who are aware of all the results and milestones. During the meeting, the Evaluation Committee reviewed the activities that have been implemented in the last period of the project and through the use of interactive tools they monitored the project progress and its indicators and analyzed the pros and cons. More specifically, the committee proceeded to the analysis of the following WPs:

  • WP2: Definition and description of the methodology for the promotion of adult learning at the workplace
  • WP5: Dissemination, mainstreaming and exploitation
  • WP6: Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Assurance
  • WP7: Project Management and Coordination

A report has been produced, where all the thoughts and results that have been concluded through this activity are available. As a result, partners will exploit these results in order to increase the quality of the deliverables.

Keep updated and follow all the news on the LinkedIn page of the project!