Get to know the GrowINg evaluation committee, which was formed in the framework of the European project “GrowINg: SME’s Growth and Innovation through Learning at the Workplace”.

The committee functions as an internal decision-making structure, that aims at ensuring the project’s quality assurance, through consistent supervision on the progress, the quality of the activities, events, and results.

The committee integrates one representative per partner, not necessarily involved in the project, that have the role of reflecting about the progress and process of implementation of the project, including the:

  • Review of the quality plan tools.
  • Arrange meetings, where they will analyze the project’s implementation, achievements, and results.
  • Organization of online meetings to meet the project’s timetable and needs.
  • Contribution to key points of the project.
  • Review and provide feedback for the improvement of the interim and final reports.
  • Monitoring the project progress and its indicators.
  • Analyses of potential risks, their occurrence, and the effectiveness of the contingency measures.
  • Identification of challenges/problems and opportunities/strategies to overcome them

On the 3rd of March 2021, the committee met for the first time, gathering 6 representatives from the partnership. As result, the committee had the opportunity of analyzing and discuss the:

  • WP1: Research on the SMEs policy and practices in career guidance and learning at the workplace (Survey and analysis of the data)
  • WP2: Definition and description of the methodology for the promotion of adult learning at the workplace (GrowINg research matrix)
  • WP5: Dissemination, mainstreaming and exploitation (Dissemination plan, tools and database with stakeholders)
  • WP6: Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Assurance (Quality plan, review of the evaluation reports about deliverables, partnership, etc.)

The committee extensively reviewed and evaluated the project deliverables, producing a report with the main conclusions.

Keep updated and follow all the news on the LinkedIn page of the project!